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Dr. Hive - Ear Infections

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On Tuesday I was diagnosed with an ear infection, the first one in my adult life. They gave me antibiotics and I have been on them since them. The problem is my ear is still super stuffed up (very occasionally it still hurts)...I can't hear out of it and it is driving me crazy. Should I be concerned that the antibiotic isn't working? If I don't contact the Dr tomorrow then I have wait until Monday. Has anyone else had this problem?

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What I know about ear infections is from my experience with littles, but it think it applies to adults, too. Even when the bacteria is being killed off, the pain goes away and the infection is gone, the fluid in the eustachian tube can persist for a long time--weeks or months, even (though I think this is less common). If there's fluid in the eustachian tube, the eardrum is not able to move properly in response to sound, so that's why your hearing is muffled.


A decongestant can help with the fluid, as can ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation of tissues that might be contributing the blockage of the tube. You might call the doctor and ask for some specific advice about that, though.

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