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What kind of neighborhood do you live in?

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I live in the suburbs. The only time I see a neighbor is when they are checking their mailbox or mowing the lawn. I know there are kids because we see them at the bus-stop, but otherwise they don't come out.


This sounds like us, except for the bus stop - we don't have that.

We have created our own "community" by engaging in church activities. Also, my parents live 1/2 mile away and my sister is a mile - in our town it is "all the way across town" but we have family nearby in times of need or to just throw together dinner. And when we have rolling brownouts, at least one of us still has electricity so we will all gather there and save energy.


I am sad that we don't have any real neighborhood connections. We heard kids playing in a backyard behind us once, so I went over with dd to meet them. They looked at us like we were weird and now call over the fence to tell dd to leave them alone. The house next to us has been vacant since before we moved in (2.5 years) and almost every day one of us will pray that a nice family with nice kids near her age will move in. We go out walking and tend not to meet people. I keep wondering if it is us, or them, or our culture of being busy and doing everything in the car?

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