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Reading Weapons of Mass Instruction...now what?


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Reading John Taylor Gatto's Weapons of Mass Instruction this week. Some of it is just over the top, and he keep saying the same things over and over (was it a series of articles that he put together into a book?), but beyond that, I agree with his basic premise: public education steals productivity and creativity from our children (and by extension, our nation). I was a public high school English teacher for 5 years before I stayed home with my kiddos. I saw, first hand, how school appears to make kids more dependent and immature while saying it does the opposite.


So I am wondering how to make our homeschooling experience more about developing the personhood of my daughters and less about finishing the book. Thoughts?

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I just started reading it and it made me re-realize that I need to follow the kids interests. What do they like? What do they want to learn about? I will give them the tools needed (that I can provide) to facilitate their interests. Like books, or sets, or pets or whatever else I can to feed their interests. Right now it's electronics for my oldest and animals for my middle. These things will be extras that fill their afternoons when what I want them to learn is finished for the day.


Hope that helps!



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