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Teaching Company course recommendation needed for World History.

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We would be using this for enrichment to go along for 10th grade World History. I'm looking for a recommendation for which course is the most entertaining yet at the same time informative. I see that there are several.


My DD struggles with making pictures while reading and has poor retention so I'm trying to broaden her history learning experience.


Any advice is welcome!:bigear:

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I can't remember the name, nut my friend recommended the one for highschoolers. It is a general overview of history, the teacher does it in costumes.

If you want something to a particular time period, the early middle ages was ineresting. We have enjoyed courses tied to our literature readings such as The Aenied, The Odyssey, Dante's Inferno, Herodotus, and Shakespeare. These courses placed the books in historical perspective and enabled us to "picture" the books.

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We have used the one the OP is referring to: "World History: Fertile Crescent to American Revolution" by Linwood Thompson and have enjoyed it as a supplement. He dresses in period costumes and puts on accents so it ups the entertainment value and helps reinforce what they've read in the textbook, as I had them watch it after they'd done the related reading. Be sure to watch for when this goes on the half price sale - last year they had several of the high school ones on in July I think.

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I feel like I'm a personal walking advertisment for the Teaching Company, since we've enjoyed so many of their series! They are really great, and help the kids more fully understand and remember these important topics. Just today we watched a lecture on Gilgamesh-- fun!


For tenth grade World History (which I assume is a one-year sweep through all world history?), and for someone just getting into the Teaching Company, the Linwood: World History, Fertile Crescent to American History, would be a great place to start.


Now, if your library carries these DVD's then I would highly recommend dipping into other series as your studies come along-- for instance, if you are studying Ancient History, look at the Great Authors of the Western Tradition lectures, the Foundations of Western Civilization series, Art Across the Ages series, the History of World Literature series, Books that Have Made History series, , Great Battles of the Ancient World series, etc... then you can pick and choose a few lectures on the topics/events/literature that you are studying. Very effective!

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as Anne in PA said, Professor Linwood Thompson is very entertaining. It's called World History: The Fertile Crescent to the American Revolution. It would be best as a supplement, though, because it is an overview of world history.


There's also this course, which we own, called Foundations of Western Civilization I and II with Professor Thomas Noble. He's not as engaging as Linwood Thompson, but the course is more in-depth.

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