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Tactile and kinesthetic

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Not an expert for sure, but tactile has to do with touch - in the context of learning, a tactile learner needs to feel/touch and is stimulated by textures etc. Kinesthetics refers to movement, so a kinesthetic learner will learn by incorporating physical body movement. They are closely related, and I don't know about can you be one and not the other, except to say that no one learns through only one method, we are all some combination of the various learning modes.

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Thanks, I think my ds is visual kinesthetic. He doesn't really care for manipulatives, but seems to do well if there are pictures or if there is large movements or writing. I always just lumped tactile and kinesthetic together and assumed that meant they liked manipulatives and were really active kids, but when manipulatives didn't work for him I started contemplating it and I started thinking that they were different like you said and that maybe that is why manipulatives don't work with him. They either are a distraction or he just doesn't care for them. So differentiating is going to help me in selecting curriculum.

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