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Would MUS help this kiddo?


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My 8yo is halfway through CLE 200, and is getting badly bogged down. He's really having a terrible time learning his upper math facts. (He's okay with +2's, and other easy facts, but today, for example, he was totally stumped by 11-5=6). He's also having a hard time skip counting, and counting backwards is difficult as well. In particular, I'm seeing him increasingly dependent on his fingers to calculate the answers to the problems.


Despite his good scores on tests and quizzes up to this point it is pretty clear that he does not have mastery over the early material, and is rapidly getting bogged down as he tries to handle the harder data. He was scoring perfectly on his time tests a couple months ago, but now, with the harder facts, it isn't unusual for him to only get 9 or 10 problems correct in two minutes.


I think he's benefited from the continual review of CLE, and I don't want to ditch the program. So, I'm thinking of getting MUS Alpha, and supplementing - I'm hoping he'd whiz through & fill in some gaps. Maybe drop another subject and do double duty in math for awhile. Does this sound like a good plan????

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