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anyone use Language Mechanics by Critical Thinking Press?

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I posted a while back about some concerns I had for my 12 ds. We used JAG, spreading it out over 4th and 5th with a little Abeka scattered in. For 3rd, we used Ridgewood Grammar, and just a random LA workbook for 2nd. He just finished AG season one a few weeks ago. I started him on Daily Grams this year because he consistently has issues with capitalization and punctuation. However, Daily Grams is more of a review, and I'm not seeing any improvement, even though I go over the errors with him. I have been pondering Shurley, but dismissed that. I really like AG. I ran upon Language Mechanics yesterday, and I think it may be just the thing to add to AG. Any experiece?

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Actually, I would look at the punctuation puzzler cd's (there are 2 levels), and editor in chief for more application oriented stuff. I think these would be more focused: PP on Cap/Punc, EIC on finding your own mistakes. Just a thought.

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Actually, I would look at the punctuation puzzler cd's (there are 2 levels), and editor in chief for more application oriented stuff. I think these would be more focused: PP on Cap/Punc, EIC on finding your own mistakes. Just a thought.


I agree that "editing" has helped my ds. It's a skill that is needed not only in editing one's own work, but it is huge on standardized tests (which we must take yearly, & eventually will be needed for college).


We used the Great Editing Adventure, but I think the Critical Thinking one would work, too. Anything like that is probably the same. My older kids who were public schooled used to do something called "Daily Oral Language" every day, & basically I see now that it was teaching editing.


That said, I thought about the Language Mechanic myself at one time. If you do use it, let us know your review!


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