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Making soy yogurt

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I hope someone answers with an easy recipe, because I've tried making soy yogurt and I can't get it to come out right. With dairy yogurt, I'd add dry milk, but I can't do that to soy yogurt.


Why do you want to add dry milk? Does it come out runny? They do make dry soy milk powder. Right now I buy Silk and it is runny, not solid like dairy yogurt.


Can you share with me your recipe?

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Back when I made dairy yogurt, I'd add dry milk to the mixture prior to incubation to get the thick consistancy that I like. I'd use dry milk, regular milk, and some commercial yogurt as starter. I'd mix the regular milk and dry milk and microwave it to scald it. Then cool it, add the starter, and pop it into the yogurt maker.


When I tried making soy yogurt, I did basically the same thing, except replacing the regular milk with soy milk and the starter with commercial soy yogurt, and leaving out the dry milk. (I didn't know that dry soy milk powder exisited and I haven't seen it in local stores.) The result would look okay when I took it out of the yougurt maker, but would fall apart after sitting in the fridge. I tried mixing in different thickening agents, like tapiocia, but it would separate. I tried straining it in cheesecloth, and that was better consistancy, but it was too bitter afterwards. That's all I remember.

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