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FFL3 - Anyone get through it in one year? We may continue next year. Thoughts?

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DS9 is finishing 3rd grade. We used First Language Lessons 3 (I loved it - very in depth and intense, hitting all the right bases for what we have time for as far as I'm concerned! and no prep on my behalf - hooray!). Thing is, I this was meant to be used every day, or maybe 4 days a week. Since it was time consuming (required me to work through it w/ him), we only plugged it in 2x a week. I have found that we are exactly half way through it now, at the end of our school year. The material is so great though, I'm considering sticking it out and using it for 4th grade too. Do you think this is OK? I think we would have moved on to Rod & Staff Grammar. Perhaps we will be missing something in a 4th grade curriculum if we skip it? What do you think?


- Stacey in MA

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We are on FLL3 Lesson 68 and are stopping today. We school all year round so we will pick back up in July when school starts again. My plan is to continue with it.


When I receive FLL4 I will evaluate to see how much is repeated. If a lot of the lessons in FLL4 are review from FLL3 then we will move on to FLL4. I will also take into account my sons ability. If FLL3 seems too slow for him, then we will move on. Most of the grammar is review at this age and I do not feel we will miss much either way. I can always review if he is having a problem.

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That is so cool! I just looked it up on amazon and am going to preorder it. I was dreading having to switch curriculum to a whole new system. Thank you for mentioning this! Very cool....


Now I will have the fll3 to finish and the fll4 all queued up to continue with when we get through #3.


Thanks! - Stacey in MA

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