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Fun Friday ideas?

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Last Monday I told my boys that we'd have a special thing on Friday. I set up a treasure hunt for them with clues all over the house and at the end was a treasure (some candy). They loved it and they read the clues by themselves and went on to pretend to make their own treasure hunts and worked on spelling words and writing so it was a win for all :) I was so excited that I declared every Friday, Fun Friday! Of course now that I said it out loud to them, I can't think of a darn thing to do for Fun Friday. I know we could do another treasure hunt but I don't want to do the same thing every week.


I'd really appreciate any ideas you might have!

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You could have Game Day, where you play board games, math games, language games, etc.


You could have Baking Day, where you get them to help make cookies or other treats. Or you could expand it to Menu Day, where they help you plan and prepare all the meals.


You could have Art Day, where you have them make all different kinds of art projects, then display them for family and friends.


One of my son's personal favorites- Family Reading Day where we all lie around the living room reading books.

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