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How Does Your Gifted-In-Math Kid Feel About Manipulatives?


How does your gifted-in-math child feel about manipulatives?  

  1. 1. How does your gifted-in-math child feel about manipulatives?

    • Hates them
    • Tolerates them because they usually help
    • Tolerates them, but they seldom help
    • Likes them
    • Don't know -- we never used them
    • Other

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It's hard to say, because my child refuses to tolerate more than about 10 seconds of explanation from me, with or without manipulatives.


On the rare occasion she asks a question about math, I will start to explain it and after about 10-20 seconds of me talking she says "OH! Ok. I get it now. We're done. Leave me alone now!"


She DID like using manipulatives very VERY early on - like a number line and counters - prior to knowing her facts and mental math tricks. Now she doesn't really want anything of any sort that will slow her down.

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