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I'm glad my DS isn't going to school today.

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I'm not criticizing anybody else's schooling choices, or what works for them, but I'm really glad that my DS isn't going to school today. A bunch of my friends are posting pictures on FB of their kids getting ready for school, and my first thought was that we were missing out on the fun and excitement of the first day (and I'm really glad they're enjoying that--I loved it when I was a kid!), but then I realized that I'm really glad DS will be home with us all day.

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I understand. Not everyone in our neighborhood rode the bus this morning but many did and all were so excited about it all weekend. Mine were happy for them but they love what we do. My youngest would have had his first day of first grade along with 5 of his neighborhood friends and he was perfectly happy to wish them luck and then not join them.

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