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Apologia General Science Users with 5th/6th grade siblings . . .


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I'm trying to pull together resources for my 5th ds to "mirror" his sister's studies in Apologia General Science this year. Do any of you have upper elementary suggestions for books/resources that might cover the first half of the Apologia topics:


1. Scientific Inquiry and Experiments (a good "how-to" for his age)


2. Science, Applied Science, and Technology (looks primarily about simple machines)


3. Archaeology, Geology, and Paleontology (and Fossils?)


4. Uniformitarianism and Catastrophism (Creationism and Evolution concepts)


For the last half of the book I plan to have him use Apologia Exploring Creation with Anatomy and Physiology.


I would love another of the Apologia younger series texts, but all except the Astronomy are life science.


I'm looking at Sonlight titles for ideas, but I know you ladies always have wonderful resources. I'd love any suggestions.


For what it's worth in the type of resources we would use, we are Christian but plan to discuss Evolution as a theory alongside Creationism.


Thanks in advance for your help!


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