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Questions on MCT Lit package


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I have it and have read through the TM. My questions are how you are using it! I have an "assigned reading" spot in my schedule for my three kids: ds (6th), dd (6th--but probably more of a 5th grader), and ds (4th). Honestly, I don't want to sit and read these aloud. But I'm not sure if they would get a lot out of them if I didn't. So, how are *you* using these books???



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We are planning to start "Alice" this next week. I'm planning to have my 9yos read it independently over the next few weeks. Each week we're going to have general discussions on the parts they've read and will use the quotes MCT has provided. Once they've reached the end of the book, we'll discuss the entire book using the discussion questions in the TM. At that point, we'll also start to narrow down their essay topics (although I think their "essay" is only going to be a paragraph for this first one). I'm planning to have them choose two topics and then I will assist them with outlining their thoughts. Once they have good outlines, they will choose one and flesh it out. Again, we have not done this yet, so this is just what I want to happen, the reality may be very different. :)


Looking forward to hearing what others are planning to do.

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