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Placement - who has used BOTH TT7 and TT Pre-algebra?


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Last night I had my dd take placement tests for TT. We used TT5 2 years ago. She did fine, and admitted it was easy. Since she dislikes mult. and div. and struggled some with it, we went back to Saxon. I put her in Saxon 6/5 with the intent of her doing this AND moving into 7/6 afterwards. She HATES Saxon. Plans did not pan out.


For the TT7 test, she got the first 15 right. 2nd half, she got over 8 right and the others were only wrong due to miswriting numbers and not paying attention. Once that was pointed out, she did them correctly.


For Pre-Alg., she got 14/15 right. 2nd half, 5 right and she left things blank since she was unsure what to do. I started to explain, and she took off getting others right. Some I had to fully explain and then she could do them (new info).


Where is best to place her?


I don't want the expense of both, having her only use 1/3 of TT7.


Does the Pre-Alg. do enough of a review in the beginning that she would be fine just starting there?


I don't want to overwhelm her. She liked that she got all of the TT7 test correct. She did a Pre-Alg. lesson and all the problems and thought it was fun. Listened to a second lesson and was fine with the material.


I'll be buying these new and saving them for my now 4th grader to use when the time is right for her. So I'll end up with both here anyway at some point.



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Ack - no one has used both things?


Any suggestions would be helpful. Those who did Saxon and moved over to this level of TT, your input would be helpful as well.


I was hoping to order these today. Hoping, anyway. :001_smile:


* * * * *

later in the afternoon, editing to add:


I found an awesome post on the HOD boards from 2007. Carrie gave nice details on these levels and said TT7 reviews TT6 for 1/2 the year. We will be doing Pre-Algebra. That sealed it for me.

Edited by Tabitha
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