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Online dictionary with NO ADs

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My daughter left the webpages open from her schoolwork and I was apalled to read the advertisments on the online dictionary site. I don't think that she should know how to make it grow three sizes, kwim?


So, I'm looking for an online dictionary site with NO advertisments.


Does such a thing exist or would it be better to just purchase one? Am I wrong or would the options be to buy a dictionary on disc or submit to an online subscription?


I really have no clue. Maybe I should just invest in one of those huge monster dictionaries that are so often solely used to press flowers.:tongue_smilie:

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How old is your dd? The following response may or may not apply depending on the child's age.


Yes get a good hardcopy dictionary. This has much more to do than just look up words. Good study dictionaries seem to invite the reader to explore beyond the answer they were looking for. IYKWIM


Younger children also can use hardcopy dictionaries to look up words when they have only a geneal idea of the spelling. This is harder online because they don't show the words next to the one you are looking for.


I haven't looked but I'm sure there are lots of age appropriate dictionary/encyclopaedia cds available. You could try that if you are concerned about young eyes.


Depending on your dd's age and discernment you might allow her to continue to use the regular online dictionay. Have a frank discussion about the kind of ads that pop up and her personal responisibility to know what she should and should not explore. The internet will continue to exist and the ads and links are everywhere. At a certain age (again I don't know if this applies to you) children simply have to take over the monitoring function for themeselves.


good luck. I hope you find a great option for you.

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I don't know about a dictionary resource, but I thought I would mention that these days, ads often show up based on your browsing history. In other words, if there is a lewd ad appearing, it is very possibly related to something that was googled or searched for on amazon or whatever, by someone using that computer at some time in the past. It can even be a pretty innocent thing - there was at least one WTM thread recently that I clicked on an Amazon link out of curiosity about what the heck people were talking about it - and lo and behold it was some crazy thong thingy! and so that was then in my Amazon browsing history!!! And would affect product recommendations and such!!!! ACK! So I figured out how to delete it from my amazon history, thankfully, although that still doesn't "clean up" my computer entirely (though I haven't seen any weird ads come of it yet).


If I were you, I'd investigate how to clean up your computer browsing history, etc. and see if you can put a filter on for that kind of thing, because ultimately you are probably going to want your dd to be able to use the computer for something, kwim?


The computer really is like Big Brother these days. Drives me nuts. Since I frequent the Spark People diet site, I get diet ads CONSTANTLY no matter what page I am on. If ads are on it, they are for diet this and that - I get SO TIRED of it! But that is just the way computers are today. Be careful how you browse!!

Edited by Glory
fix typo
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Good point Denise. My daughter is 14 so maybe I will take that route. I have learned to ignore the sidebar ads so maybe this is just one thing that people have to put up with on the Internet. I really do tend to be your typical overprotective parent.:D


The ads aren't really lewd but sometimes I do question the appropriateness for an early teenager. I don't think they should be bombarded with 'one trick of a tiny belly' everytime they go online.

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