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Making my way around the forum

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I think this will be the first forum where my DH (is that dear husband in hive speak?) and I will be posting. He usually is involved with sailing forums or guitar forums and I am usually involved with a community acupuncture forum. This is a very active and lively forum I can see. Some very active opinions too (wow! a discussion on the confederate flag!).


Since I am new to the forum, instead of discussing the merits or demerits of flag flying, I'll be lurking around trying to dredge as much information as I can to help our family with homeschooling 2 boys 8 and 9. Once we are well underway, I will pop up with an opinion or 2.


I can see by the volume of comments, people really are using this forum as a social outlet and as such have found some cyber-friends AND cyber-not-so-friends. One thing I noticed on the community acupuncture forum I am on is that my feelings about some of the ppl posting have changed over the years. Some pple I at first didn't care for their opinions, but over time, I have come to value them, different as they are from mine. Others, whose opinions I felt were like "preaching to the choir" have over time, become annoying and empty just like my own opinion if I feel like it is becoming too one-sided.


So I hope to become like a good neighbor to you my HS forum community. It is such a privilege of the internet that we can draw from such a vast swath of the earth to create community. I also like to remember that there is a vast swath of the earth that has been unable to access that privilege and we can all hope that one day we all enjoy the same access even as we don't see the world in just one way.


:bigear:...but I hope that I can give as much as I think I'm going to get on this forum. best, tess

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