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Has anyone matched up FM of Modern Times with SOTW?

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My son is really looking forward to reading FM of Modern Times for history this year, and I plan on it being our main spine (he will do the workbook with it). Since he loves to read so much, I would like to match up chapters from SOTW 3 to what he is doing in FM. Has anyone already done this? Better yet, does anyone have a reading list to do alongside this? I am looking for a lot of reading material, this boy loves to read and our winters are long and cold, so he has a lot of reading time during the school year.

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Oh, I always think of those as Greenleaf Guides! (Despite the fact that the Greenleaf versions are slightly different from the MP versions.) How funny.


Well, Biblioplan lines up the older Famous Men of ________ books with Story of the World--if you're willing to pay for their schedule. However, it doesn't look like Modern Times is necessarily included, according to their list of spines. They also don't recommend you use them until 6th grade.


So anyhow, I somehow missed the second part of your post earlier. A few weeks ago I bought the e-book version of All Through the Ages, a resource that lists loads of sources (many from the lists of popular curriculum publishers, along with many more that are not) to supplement or create a living book approach to history and geography. I think it's wonderful, although I also think it's wonderful that I actually received the e-book, since I discovered after ordering it that the publisher can sometimes "lose" orders, particularly of e-books. If you want to get this, I'd recommend using a credit card, so you can cancel the charge if you never receive the item. (My e-book was sent to the e-mail associated with the Paypal account I received by the next morning, so my experience with them was positive, but caveat emptor!)

Edited by morosophe
Edited: because Memoria Press is not Greenleaf Guides and does not sell Greenleaf Guides materials.
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