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History spine available in audio format?

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I think we're going toward more audio books while I remediate dd's phonics. Had a horrible time trying to read aloud today around the interruption of a bored preschooler. I think maybe an audio book with headphones might be a better way to set dd up for success.


Know of any history spines I should look for?

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Oh! Story of the World! I've got to be the only homeschooler who hasn't looked at Story of the World. :blushing I'll check that--it's popular enough, maybe the library will carry it. Ours subscribes to some network for listening online, so it wouldn't be like checking out the tapes/CDs forever.


It would be mainly for my 10yo (with 4yo and 5yo listening in when interested). We are doing American history, and we are absolutely going to make use of Liberty's Kids on Netflix online, and audio books from the American Girl series and quite a few of the Sonlight readers. ButI keep getting the impression we need some kind of spine to give the overall timeline that governs all that fiction.


She's officially "on grade level," and enjoys reading, but has some terrible compensation habits to gloss over what she can't see or can't sound out. She's making up most of what she reads based on context clues, and old enough that she doesn't always know the concept/pronunciation as prior knowledge anymore, so now she's quite often guessing wrong. I'm going to try hard to support nearly all of her reading with audio until I know that we've reached a reasonable level of remediation before this gets any further entrenched. Glasses and VT this summer, Brain Gym, All About Spelling for phonics, a phonological awareness book beyond that to correct some speech/perception issues, and probably some visual discrimination practice, and THEN we'll see if her reading actually matches the words on the page.

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