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Question for sonlight users. . .

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I am looking at using core 400 next year with my ds. I only want to do the History/Civics part so I'm hoping to find the IG and books used. I have found an IG with a c.2001. Does anyone know if the selection of books have changed at all since then?


I only have catalogs going back to 2008. :001_smile:



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I don't know if this helps....there is a list of books each core uses in the front of the IG - perhaps you could check this with your catalog. Or if you don't have the IG yet, could you ask the person who has it to email you the list?


Another resource is this link - Sonlight lists changes to all their IG's from 1997 to present. http://www.sonlight.com/ig-update-chart.html


Hope this helps!

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