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kinetic books or TT or other similar program?


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Has anyone had experience with both Kinetic Books and Teaching Textbooks for pre-algebra and/or algebra? How do they compare?


My ds just finished TT Math 7 and now we're looking for a more rigorous math program. He prefers the interactive computer-based lessons. Would Kinetic Books provide more challenge for him? I'm also tempted by the cost, only $49.99 for a limited time.


Any thoughts you have about either or both programs would be helpful.


Or, any thoughts about a similar program to these would also be helpful.

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Kinetic Books is much more challenging than Teaching Textbooks. The jump from TT7 to Kinetic Book Pre-Algebra might be a fairly large one. When I was deciding on which math program to use, I looked at both the Teaching Textbook Pre-Algebra and the Kinetic Book Pre-Algebra.


I felt as if my daughter already knew the majority of what was in TT Pre-Algebra so I chose Kinetic Books (she has just completed CLE 6 math). With that said, this year has not been a walk in the park. Kinetic Books has been fairly challenging for her and she is a good problem solver.


I do want to mention that I'm not anti TT. I have two other children currently using the program. I do use the books. I have my kids watch the lecture and I glance over that days lesson. Then before they can do the problems, they have to come narrate what the lesson was about. I use the book as my guide and question them. I can usually tell then if I need to sit with them and review or not ;)


I supplement with some Math Mammoth Mastery workbooks if needed for a particular area. We also use Hands On Equations from time to time. I love TT for the "get it done" aspect - it is very easy to get behind in math with 6 children on all different levels. TT keeps me from doing that. However, I'm very hands on with the program. I keep daily tabs. We also complete Singapore's challenging word problems albeit 2 levels behind (so TT4 = Singpore challenging word problems 2)


If I did not supplement with math programs which I feel demand more problem solving ability, I would likely want to do TT Pre-Algebra and then Kinetic books Pre-Algebra in order for the transition to be fairly painless.


Ok, so that was a bunch of rambly and some of it completely off topic :lol: Sorry! I just wanted to say that YES I do think that Kinetic Books is much more rigorous. If your son hasn't done much outside of TT7, I would have him work some word problems this summer before jumping into Kinetic Books.

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