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Netflix Recommendations?

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We have decided to enter the 21st century and get Netflix. We got a ROKU for this.


I think I read that Khan Academy is on ROKU? Where?


What are your favorite things from Netflix? Im so overwhelmed right now at the choices that I don't know where to begin.

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Yes, you can watch Khan Academy on the Roku, but if you use their website, you get more than the videos. They have practice exercises, kids can earn virtual badges, etc.


We have loved the Roku. Check out the channel store. That's where you can add extra channels, many of them free. Here are the free ones http://www.roku.com/roku-channel-store#14. You have to choose to subscribe to each individual one you want and can change them at any time.


From the free list, we get:

Crunchyroll (anime--be careful about the appropriateness of any of them for your particular children),

Pubdhub (public domain old movies, tv shows, commercials, educational and "cautionary" films),

Antena Latina (a regular tv channel from the Dominican Republic, obviously in Spanish),

Youtube (easiest to add what you want to your favorites or subscriptions on the computer then select them on Roku)

Netflix (add to your instant queue on your computer because the Roku search function is very cumbersome)

Vajra (Buddhist channel)


We have CDN 2, which includes lectures from various universities, but when I went out to the Roku site, it's no longer on the free list. I'm not sure what's up, but will check it when I have a chance on our Roku to see what happened. From the website, it's possible it's only available for free to previous subscribers?

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I love that I can change the queue depending on our schedule - like if hubbie is working nights all weekend then I put girlie, British movies on there.

I love that my kids can watch "Leave It To Beaver", "The Cosby Show", etc on instant when we need something fun to laugh about.

I love that "Liberty Kids" and "Cyberchase" is on instant.

I love that we can get documentaries and other educational shows.

I love that my son and hubbie can watch "Top Gear" whenever they want to hang out together.




P.S. I, also, love that they recommend movies to you based on your choices so we have seen some great British and low budget films that I would never have known about.

Edited by rhrice3
forgot to mention something
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