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O.k. now I'm really freaking out about math

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So, both my boys are in Saxon 5/4 math and doing great..they may get one problem wrong here or there. Well, I've posted several times about them having issues with word problems and *memorizing* how to do something vs. understanding it so I started researching Singapore and MM. Today, they took the Singapore Math 2B placement test. One got a 73 and one got a 64!!!! Oh! I'm freaking out now. The really don't understand. What do I do? I'm not a strong math person(I'm more artsy and love reading) They have always done well in the Saxon math tests, scored high in the state testing(we have to test yearly here) but apparantly are behind!! Should I order Singapore 2B? I also downloaded the MM end of yr 2nd and 3rd grade. Should I give them the 2nd grade MM? I need something that's easy for me to use as well as gives them a solid UNDERSTANDING of math concepts...Please help!!

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Is it possible that the scope and sequence is just a little different in Saxon vs. MM or Singapore? I can completely relate to your freaking out since I recently did the same thing :) Just don't jump the gun and switch without really thinking it through. Also, don't base their abilities or understanding on one test. (speaking from experience here)

I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but if you jump around too much with math you will end up behind. Being behind is a lot different from using a different scope and sequence.


Thanks just my opinion, though. :)

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I have the Kindle version on my iPod and would not mind having the book for real because its pretty good. Before you revamp your math program maybe read through this and see if any of the ideas make sense to you. Also the first link is a pdf of the only sample I could find.


If not consider thinking of math like a writing assignment, and expect rough-drafts.;)

Edited by Ray
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Thanks Ray for those links.

I did see a few things that were covered in Singapore but weren't covered yet in Saxon, however, what I really saw was that they just didn't get somethings we had covered(well one got it right and the other one got it wrong)..like fractions-we have covered and covered fractions in Saxon but it's not sticking-they just don't get the concept..ywim? And the word problems..well they got most of them wrong too.

I certainly don't want to curriculum hop but when my son made the comment the other day about just memorizing how to do it and not getting how to actually do it, it made me what to re-evaluate our math(this is the same son that got a perfect score on his end of year state testing-so I know he's getting some things but I'm scared he's just good at memorizing)

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