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Barron's Simply Shakespeare

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Has anyone used this series of resources to teach Shakespeare? Each book includes Shakespeare's original writing on one page and a line-by-line modern translation on the facing page. (Perhaps a "Shakespeare For Dummies" approach?) The books look great for people like me -- always had a hard time understanding the language, which took away from truly enjoying the story. Plus, each book includes features like story background, historical & social context, language analysis, character descriptions, etc., a la Cliff's Notes. I'm thinking this might be the perfect way to gently introduce my DS to Shakespeare. Anyone have any experience (good/bad) with using this series with high schoolers?



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bumping you up here...


I've used different parallel text versions when my dd was reading on her own (e.g. she did a Smarr study of Julius Caesar). There's a "No Fear" series and a Shakespeare Made Easy series (the one we used the most) and a Side By Side series, etc.


But my favorite was to read aloud the Shakespearean English, with her reading say the female parts & me the male, hamming it up. Or of course attending a play or even watching a good movie, since Shakespeare is best when performed.



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