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Sentence Family

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Could someone please tell me a typical lesson for a day. I can't seem to figure out how this works. It sounds fabulous, has great reviews, but I can't quite figure out how it all plays out.


I'm so OVER shelling out "just a little more" on "just one more thing" but my 10yod is not grasping parts of speech beyond noun and verb, basically. I don't know why, but, that matters little:)



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I have this. It's several stories, each one describing a member of the sentence family. The student listens to the story and is supposed to draw/color a picture for each member of the sentence family. There are clues to the person in the drawing - verb is red, performing some action, etc. My 10 and 7 year olds loved this. It's was a little young for my 12 year old but they listened to it together. I think it is excellent for what it does. After using it, I moved on to Winston Grammar. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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