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New AudioVisual Latin Course

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After producing some 300 episodes on YouTube as an audio-visual course for Latinum in Latin only, which has had a very positive reception, I have decided to retrace my steps somewhat, and re-teach the material, using English, as over 70% of the users of the course are from the USA and England, and many users in other countries can use English.


The course is totally free - the youngest regular user of the Latin-only course is an addicted 2 year old (His father tells me he regularly asks to 'watch Latin', and apparently he his picking things up).

Here is the link to the Latinum course on YouTube:

The playlist with the English language course is clearly marked.


The course has extended oral exercises, that build more systematically than the exercises in Adler, although I am following the structure of Adler's textbook, so that students can use the lessons in the textbook as a reference. I am also posting my own teaching notes as google documents, linked to lessons where appropriate.


I hope some of you may find this new (free) resource of some use, either as a stand alone course, or as an adjunct to material you are already using.



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