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Please Help number recognition


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My son Jackson who is in kindergarten is having trouble with number recognition. He is doing well with telling time, basic adding, but number recognition gets him every time. A little background he turn 6 in January he was born at 35 weeks. He has some developmental delays. He has been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder. He goes to Speech once a week and OT every other week. We do the one to one-hundred counting chart daily. I point to the numbers and say them this takes about 3 minutes. He can count to 100 by himself without the chart. He can recognize numbers up to 14 but has trouble after that. What fun activities can I do with him to help with number recognition. He had a review today we use Abeka and the number was 44 and he said it was 76. I also play a game where I say the number is 35 and have him point to the correct number he gets confused with this also. Thanks so much!

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