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Feeling bad for dd...Everyday Math (X-post)

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Dd8 started third grade at ps in January. They use Everyday Math, and, as I've mentioned before, I feel like we're losing ground from what we were doing in hs. She used Horizons mainly since K, supplemented at different times with MUS and CLE and some other things. Now, I just saw a review she did for a math test, which she forgot to bring home so we could use it to prepare for the test. Actually we never had to prepare for math tests before, but, if I had seen the review, I would have realized that she needed review. She did really miserably on the review, and I'm floored because she never had problems on her math homework and rarely made mistakes on math while hsing. Dd won't get the test back until next week.


I'm afraid this is what I have to look forward to. Our schedule is hectic, four kids, plenty of WORTHWHILE activities, so I don't feel like I can devote significant amounts of time to math at home after homework even if dd herself was able to manage it.


I'm worried because dd always seemed so bright, a precocious, early learner, but now she's not doing so well (but she is doing better in writing in ps). I truly hope she's not following the path of an older dd who started to show ADD symptoms in fourth grade. That dd did consistently good work (like me ;)) even if she was in her own world a lot of the time. Dh said he had up and down academic performance and dd8 resembles him in many ways. Dh is the best dh in the whole wide world, don't get me wrong, but I'm wondering if dd will be like that, bright but with inconsistent work, or if it's just Everyday Math. Ugghh!


There was once a discussion about how kids with differences test well in the early grades but over time, they do less well relative to regular kids. I saw this with my oldest dd and I'm thinking, here we go again. Pray that I remember that my oldest dd is doing very well now academically and is a dream as a teenager.


Anyway, I just rambling now.


Does anyone have any suggestions about how to help with dd's Everyday Math situation?

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