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Anybody ever used a shared journal with your dc?


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Something I read in the new writing forum made me think of this. I have two dds, ages 6 and 5. My 5 year old (young K-er) loves to write and does it for fun. My 6 year old (1st grader) doesn't, however. She is an excellent reader and loves to read, but getting her to write is like pulling teeth (or worse!). Anyway, I had a flash of inspiration and thought that one way I might get her to be willing to write more is to have a journal that we share and write back and forth to each other in. Have you done this? If so, how did you structure it? Was it worthwhile to generate excitement and confidence toward writing?

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I started this with my 10yo dd this past fall and it has been the hit of our year! We keep it very loose...I don't comment on spelling, and the content can be any topic she wants to write about. Some days we have several messages flying back and forth, sometimes a week passes before she wants to say something.


The best side benefit, other than the fact that she feels like she's getting more attention from me, is that her punctuation and spelling have improved a lot.


If you'd like the "script" of what I wrote the first time, feel free to pm me.

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We have a dozen pen pals that write back and forth. That's a great incentive!


My daughter just learned typing, so in a way, we're doing a shared journal, as I gave her Author permission on my blog. So now she's been blogging and commenting.


It took two weeks using Dance Mat Typing to get up to speed on typing on her blog. That might be an alternative if your DD6 doesn't like to write with a pen.

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Hey, fancy seeing you over here, this is the first time I've "seen" you over this way! :)


I have done this with my girls...it kind of comes and goes, we will do it for awhile and then one of us will let it go for a bit and we forget about it. I need to start it again. :) Thanks for the reminder...


Pen pals is another way that has really worked for my girls!!


Also writing letters to the kids we sponsor, like through Compassion, etc.

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