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Rainbow Science for High School vs Apologia??

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Has anyone used Rainbow Science for High School? I have been told that you can but you would have to "up" it since it really is geared more toward jr highers. Is that true? I would like to see a sample of it, but I can't find anything on their site. We have worked through Apologia for the past two years, and imho, there is just too much info in each module to swallow at a time. I don't get the feeling that he is learning.



Any suggestions? I sure would appreciate it!


Thanks so much,

Michelle in MS

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I appreciate it. I will have to search to see what other science are recommended for HS. We might just stick with Apologia-I just feel like he isn't really comprehending the material, just "swallowing and spitting up" the stuff. I want more for him, but his interest isn't really science anyway. But-later on, it just might be, so I don't want to short change him in the long run.


Thanks again,


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Rainbow Science is great for Jr. High, but I agree, there are better choices for HS.


I think it would be hard to bulk up Rainbow Science for a high schooler. It does cover a lot, but the format is a bit on the young side. Each lesson is about two pages of reading, then you do an experiment.


I do wonder, though, if you had a younger HS'er, you could do both levels of Rainbow in a year? Just a thought.

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