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Flash Cards and Dry Erase


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I think in "The Core" by Leigh Borton she said to try to have the kids memorize to the 15s and not just the typical 9s or 10s.

I grab my reading time in obscure left over moments so maybe I read that wrong, but it does seem logical and helpful.

I'm having a hard time finding a set(s) of flashcards for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division that goes that far up.

Does anyone have a set? I know we could make them But I just don't wanna if I can buy some. LOL What a wimp huh?


Also I wanted to say...HOW COOL ARE THESE????!!!!!


http://www.dryerase.com/MFSP1116.htm < Squeal !! > The teacher in me really gets crazy about stuff like this.



I absolutely LOVE LOVE this website, and I've already bought a couple of boards (for my music classes) from the bargain bins and the slight blemishes are easy to live with. Some of the boards had ZERO sign of apparent blemish or damage. That's a really nice way to get these boards even more discounted. but really they are just so well priced already. I have the boys work on various boards while I'm preparing lunch or doing dishes. So far we have several of the cool math ones, the clock, and the music ones. The music ones make repetition for learning the lines and spaces, etc.... SO much more fun!

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