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It is so strange that you posted this. I did a search of the forums a bit earlier yesterday searching for any mentions of this program and found a mom who had just started using it this school year. I've sent her a PM asking her opinion. I too would love to hear more thoughts on it as we are looking for new curriculum come Jan. The mom I'm speaking of has a high school child so if she misses your question but replies to my PM I will try and get her thoughts to you.

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My son did the first high school writing course a couple of years ago. He had a lesson each day. Sometimes it was an interactive type quiz, because that course reviewed grammar. Usually it was a writing assignment. He would turn it in, and the teacher would have feedback for him by the next day. We only had one time where the teacher missed getting back to him within 24 hours, and we received an apology and explanation. He was also required to post some of his writing on the class forum and give feedback to other writers. There weren't many kids in the class at that point, so the forum was pretty slow. It ended up being excellent prep for the online CC classes that he has taken, though. They require forum postings quite often. My son did quite well in the course, and it gave him some confidence in his writing. I'm

considering using one of the elementary courses for my youngest, but I haven't yet.

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