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Please Pray 7 year old Boy w/ Brain Tumor & Pituitary Gland Tumor

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If everyone could please pray for one of my friend’s co-workers son he is seven years old. They did surgery on Monday and removed the entire tumor in his brain, but they just found another in his pituitary glad today. Just asking everyone we know to add him to prayer lists everywhere. I think if we could fill up his room with cards it will uplift his spirits and his family and show them the love of Christ. I was wondering if anyone would help me send Tyler Wallace a card. I am getting Carrington and Jackson to make him some cards with construction paper. The cards don't have to be fancy just something showing that people care and love him! He is at Duke and I can message you his address at Duke if you inbox me. I think this would be an awesome service project for our children. Please help me send him cards!

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