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Homeschool Inservice

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OK, so the kids and my dh are out of town until Fri/Sat, and I've got a million things to get done before they get back. BUT, I am taking a homeschool inservice. As in, get my ducks in a row, have some reflective time, and be in a good, centered place when the kids get back and we start rolling. Unfortunately, I'm fresh off of running a week-long, half-day program called Children's Peace Week, and holding a garage sale the day after. Sunday I worked. So, I haven't had a minute to myself to formulate a plan.


I've got three books I'm in the middle of reading: Liping Ma's Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics, MCT's The Conceptual Dialectic, and that Adlerian book, the Paideia Approach, that MCT recommends as a good book on Socratic dialogue. I've got copybooks and memory work to finish. This year's end-of-year reports. Reading lists to finalize. Some cutie things I'd like to make for the kids, like book slings for their rooms, and schultutes. But I guess I don't think of all of those as things I should do during an inservice. Some of them are just tasks.


Anyway, say you had either one or two days, 9-3, to do whatever enriched you and made you feel ready for another year of homeschooling. Got any ideas?

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