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Fll 3


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We've been using FLL3. It's a good progression from FLL1/2. The memorized definitions are reinforced, and there's new poetry to memorize. FLL3 includes some practice identifying the parts of speech in sentences and teaches diagramming. However, this is very gentle and the diagramming lines are included in the workbook for the dc to fill in.


Some moms like that these lines are provided, but, in our case, I think they made it too easy for my ds to just plug in words without thinking as much as he would have had to. For example, he didn't have to decide which word an adjective or adverb modified, or even whether the word was an adjective or adverb. The line was provided in the right spot, and he would just plug in the extra word (the one that wasn't the subject or the verb).


Each of us have different ideas on how rigorous grammar should be in 3rd grade, and I think FLL3 is a happy medium. We really liked FLL1/2, but, at this point, I'm wishing I had gone with R & S 3. There's a big difference between what my dd learned in R & S 3 (2 years ago) and what ds has learned with FLL3. YMMV :)



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We have really liked it here. I used it alongside Writing Tales 1 and it has been the perfect amount of grammar. I think mine could have handled R&S just fine but they really like FLL and its style. The poetry memorization, copywork and dictation are all pluses. I used it with my 2nd and 3rd grader combined.

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