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Another question about levels in TOG


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I am planning to start TOG Year 3 with my 7th and 11th graders this fall. Neither have used it before. We are also pretty new to 'classical' education. I'm thinking about starting them in UG and D for the fall, and then I plan to move them to D and R in the spring. I figure this will give them an opportunity to 'get their feet wet' with TOG first. Has anyone else done it this way? Is the D level going to be enough for my 11th grader?

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I am planning to start TOG Year 3 with my 7th and 11th graders this fall. Neither have used it before. We are also pretty new to 'classical' education. I'm thinking about starting them in UG and D for the fall, and then I plan to move them to D and R in the spring. I figure this will give them an opportunity to 'get their feet wet' with TOG first. Has anyone else done it this way? Is the D level going to be enough for my 11th grader?


That sounds like an excellent idea to me. In fact my 7th grader who has done TOG for several years is still doing mostly UG level. She is also doing some D lit and worldview that I pick and choose out. But her time is needed elsewhere not on history so I keep her in the lower books for the most part.


I also doing see my 2nd dd, who dislikes history and is not an avid reader every going beyond the D level through her whole High School career. I might pick and choose literature at the R level, that she needs to cover, but she just doesn't need or want the depth of history that TOG provides.




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