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Combining R&S Math and MUS?


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Does this sound crazy? I am thinking of combining R&S Math grade 4 with MUS Gamma/Delta..We have used R&S Math 1,2 and most of 3..we have stopped at different points and done MUSsome of all the levels so far, we are about half way through Gamma, ds needs alot of review and has trouble with facts, dd has no trouble memorizing but they both get bored doing the same thing all the time. I really like both programs, and thought why not combine them, so we don't get behind..I would use R&S Math as main program and add MUS in for practice, like one lesson a day and take 2 wks, do do one whole lesson from MUS..I know both are mastery programs, but they teach so differently that I think they might like this combination. Would this be too much? Instead of flip-flopping back and forth between the two, just do both.:glare:


I see alot of combining MUS with other programs, but not R & S?

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