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Classical Writing Primer? Or WWE2??


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Can anyone tell me about their experience with CW Primer? Would it be better to keep going with WWE for another year? This year we're doing WWE1 (6.5yo, 1st grade), and it has been terrific for teaching my son to answer in complete sentences. He's mastered that now, and I'm not sure I see the point of finishing the rest of the book (we're on week 20). He copies accurately, easily answers the questions, understands capitals, periods, pronouns, etc. I had fully intended to continue with WWE2, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe CW Primer would be better for him for 2nd grade??

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Can anyone tell me about their experience with CW Primer? Would it be better to keep going with WWE for another year? This year we're doing WWE1 (6.5yo, 1st grade), and it has been terrific for teaching my son to answer in complete sentences. He's mastered that now, and I'm not sure I see the point of finishing the rest of the book (we're on week 20). He copies accurately, easily answers the questions, understands capitals, periods, pronouns, etc. I had fully intended to continue with WWE2, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe CW Primer would be better for him for 2nd grade??

I haven't done the CW Primer, but if you plan to continue with the CW series they need to be able to do summaries for Homer. Thus if your child isn't doing summaries well, then I would recommend you continue with WWE.


Besides the Primer series is a year long, and both Aesop A and B, though recommended for grades 3 and 4, are each only 18 weeks. I personally use them in 4th grade for a full year of material. You could easily do WWE 2 this year, and then if he is summarizing well you could do the Primer for 3rd, and Aesop for 4th. If summary skills are a problem then you would probably do WWE 3 for 3rd and decide later whether to do WWE 4 for 4th because he still needs summary work, or go straight to Aesop.


Does that make sense?



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I haven't done the CW Primer, but if you plan to continue with the CW series they need to be able to do summaries for Homer. Thus if your child isn't doing summaries well, then I would recommend you continue with WWE.


Besides the Primer series is a year long, and both Aesop A and B, though recommended for grades 3 and 4, are each only 18 weeks. I personally use them in 4th grade for a full year of material. You could easily do WWE 2 this year, and then if he is summarizing well you could do the Primer for 3rd, and Aesop for 4th. If summary skills are a problem then you would probably do WWE 3 for 3rd and decide later whether to do WWE 4 for 4th because he still needs summary work, or go straight to Aesop.


Does that make sense?




Huge help! Thanks! Sounds like WWE is the way to go for at least another year.

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