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Name that grammar resource... please!


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About a year ago, I remember seeing a little flurry of posts from people who were using a supplemental grammar resource that I *think* presented a single sentence per week, and the kids spent the week picking it apart, diagramming it, etc. IIRC, it seems like the publisher had one line of books with sentences taken from the Bible and another with more secular sentences.


I'd love to take a look at this again but can't for the life of me remember what it was or even enough about it to do a board search on it. If someone recognizes it from my admittedly vague description and would point me in the right direction, I'd truly appreciate it!



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Yay! Thank you so much - that's the one I was looking for. :001_smile:


I'm off to give it a good look, and in the meantime, if anyone has any recent experience with Daily Grammar Practice, I'd love to hear how it's working for you.


Thanks again, Kim :001_smile:.



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