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Wooden Domino Race Set Help Needed

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Hello All,


I was all set to order the Hearthsong Domino Race Set Special Version today when I saw that it was no longer in stock.


I called the company and they told me they would not receive anymore of the Domino Race Sets in until December 21st, but then they had to fill all their back orders (from November) and ship them out before taking the newer orders (which takes several days to process before shipping) and then shipping, so I would not receive it until at least a few weeks or more after Christmas.


This was going to be the "big gift" for my children for Christmas and I am so upset to find that they are already sold out of it. I was really hoping that shopping now, they would have them still in stock and I screwed up bigtime !


Does anyone know of any other high quality and very nice wooden domino race sets that are not too pricey that I could purchase instead ?Something well made and equal to the Hearthsong version. Or do you think that the Hearthsong version is one of the best on the market and it would be better to wait on that rather then to purchase something that is second rate or not as well made ?


I am not sure what to do, part of me thinks to just wait until after Christmas and give the kids a picture of it from the Hearthsong Catalog from "Santa" and tell them Santa will drop it off in a few weeks after Christmas and part of me says to look for something else so as not to dissapoint my little ones on Christmas morning when they would be so excited to open up their gift.


Any suggestions, advice, opinions would be appreciated.

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