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Can anyone compare/contrast JAG and/or AG with R&S?


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On the one hand I appreciate R&S's thoroughness and practice, but on the other hand it seems to go on forever! Is AG just as thorough? (covers participles, etc.?) And if you do JAG with a 5th grader, would you still need to do AG eventually? Thanks!



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JAG covers the basics (nouns, verbs, DO, IO, etc.) up through compound verbs, subjects, etc via diagraming. It's very good at what is covers and it does it quickly. But it doesn't cover punctuation, subject/verb agreement etc.


Unfortunately I'm not familiar with R&S and haven't purchased AG yet.

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I used Rod and Staff English with my dd in 5th, 6th, 7th, and part of 8th grade this year. Each year it became more and more difficult for her. It got to the point where she cried when I bought out the textbook. I loved R&S. It was familiar because I used this kind of text in school. But she disliked it so much and was not retaining the information from year to year.


Finally this fall I had enough and began to search for something else. After watching the video about AG on their website I was sold. I watched them again with my dd14 and dh. She liked watch she saw, and my dh and I made the big investment. What I really like is that it is one curriculum that I will never have to purchase again. Once she is finished it becomes a grammar handbook. We plan to use the 2 year plan.


HTH, Beth

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