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Losing Weight

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Okay... how have you all done it.


I am drinking water (still 1 Dr. Pepper a day -no coffee or tea - my only pick me up). Eating smaller portions. Walking 2 miles per day - 1/2 hour - that is all I can work in right now with my schedule.


I know that I need to add more exercise but what? H


I have lost 5 pounds in 3 months and am frustrated with the scale not moving any further. I would like to lose 10 pounds more.


What has worked for you?

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When I gave up my one and only (sniff, sniff) Dr Pepper a day, I dropped five pounds almost immediately.


If you are walking, try adding some faster pace...from one tree to another (or one house to another, or one minute, etc.) , walk faster. Then go back to your original pace.


Get a set of hand weights (or use a couple of cans of soup out of the pantry) and do some exercises while you watch TV at night. If you just work out during the commercials, you'll tone up some muscles.

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How about lots of fresh crunch veggies in a baggie for your weak times -when you are hungry but too busy to look for something. Also hard cooked eggs are great for holding you for hours with only 80 calories.


Keep the kitchen cleaned up so when you walk by something doesn't catch your eye.


No evening snacks works wonders too after a lighter supper. You can sort of manage sleeping when you are hungry, but not when you work all day.


God bless.

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