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had enough of urine!

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I just wanted to add that we have been in the same place with my daughter, who at almost 11, in a few weeks, still needs pull-ups for overnight. I have been there were you are in frustration, but have been told by our paediatrician that it is completely normal as some still wet at night into late teens. Approx 1% of bedwetters still at 20!

My dd sleeps really deep, and just doesn't wake even if we have taken her before we go to bed, she still can wet.

My feelings of frustration have subsided, when I saw how bad she felt, I didn't need to make her feel worse when she was so upset already. It may take a while to grow out of it. Just know you aren't a bad mother, just human.

On a few occasions she has woken just before she wet and the excitement on her face when she said she woke dry summed it up for me, she so wants to be dry, so I don't see it as something to punish, maybe no quite so for day wetting though.

Maybe you could try some kind of regular bathroom time say every 2 hours or so, just so she learns that she has to go no matter how busy she gets.

Hope this helps in some way.


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She might have some kind of food allergy that you could look into.


On the other hand, she might just be 4 years old with a small bladder. That was me. I have really bad memories of how my parents handled night time wetting (and day time accidents too). She's still so little. You could deal with this for several more years and still be on the 'normal' scale. See a doctor or read up on possible issues if you think that will help, but I can tell you what is not going to help. Yelling won't help. Belittling won't help. Threatening won't help. Making her feel guilty won't help. Those things will hurt your relationship. She's four.

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