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Posts posted by jlharpair

  1. I'm wondering which level of WWE I should start with my 4th grade son? We have not done any formal writing so far? I'm guessing maybe the 3rd level, but I want to make sure he has a good foundation. I'm assuming that WWE gives you the basics on HOW to write....is there something I should use in addition to WWE to help with the creative writing? Any help would be greatly appreciated :001_smile:

    Jennifer H.

  2. Good morning :)

    My 9yo son will be entering 4th grade this year and up to this point we have not done any writing. I was wondering what everyone else uses? I've looked online at Writing with Ease, Writeshop Primary, 1st Language Lessons and a couple of others. We already have a grammar program, it's the compostition/creative writing that we need to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    Thank you :)


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