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Posts posted by luv2quilt

  1. "Ruralness" has its pros and cons. We lived for four years in the smallest county in TN (which only had 2 stop lights). We lived on 11 acres in the country with cotton fields and cows across from us. It was nice having a large area for the kids to roam and play, and gazing at stars and listening to crickets churp at night was wonderful. My kids got a little tired of country life after a while. They preferred living in a place where you could at least see you next neighbor and have kids over to play. It was hard getting used to having nothing to do after a while (even the movie theatre in town closed). I got tired of hauling coolers to the nearest grocery store (40 minutes away) every weekend. So I guess we're more surburbanites than rural folk.

  2. I'm so impressed with Ben's caring and servantlike heart. We've been in a similar situation with our son not having friends and being lonely. It really hurts to see your son in that situation. However, I began praying that God would send friends his way. We moved just over a year ago to an area where there are a ton of homeschool children. The first Sunday we went to church, 10 homeschooled boys my son's age rushed up to my son and surrounded him and welcomed him like a brother. I rejoiced inside to see how God has so faithfully answered my prayer. I'm sure he will provide friends for your son also. Thanks for sharing!

  3. The hardest driving skill to teach our kids was parking and backing out of parking spaces. We started out in empty parking lots and slowly progressed to more crowded parking lots (i.e. Walmart).

    Also getting the kids to look way ahead of the car instead of just immediately in front of the car when driving so that they can have plenty of time to react to situations (like cars pulling out from a side street).

  4. I would like to tell everyone about a fantastic Christian, liberal arts university in Searcy, Arkansas that some of you may want to put on your list of universities to visit. The university's website is www.harding.edu. The university has around 6,000 students (undergrad & grad). They offer 90 degree options (including engineering, pre-med, top-notch nursing & pharmacy school), 7 study abroad locations (Italy, France/Switzerland,England, Greece, Australia, Zambia and Chile), an honors college that is wonderful, first rate choral and drama groups, outstanding athletics (football, basketball, soccer, track). There are a large number of homeschooled students on campus. In fact the majority of the girls on my daughter's dorm floor were homeschooled. In fact, they actively attract homeschooled students. Students come from all 50 U.S. states and 40 countries which provides a very international flair to the student body. Dedicated faculty and staff (and especially the president of the University) are always ready to give individual attention and often host mid-week Bible studies and other events in their homes. When you walk across campus you are very impressed by not only the camus but by the wonderful students and teachers you meet. They offer numerous scholarships and the admissions department is very helpful in finding scholarships, grants, and other financial aid for their students. The university also has an American Studies Institute that host speakers throughout the year like Ben Stein, President H.W. Bush, Gorbechev,Colin Powell, Margaret Thatcher and many others.

    The university's mission is "To integrate faith, learning, and living" and their motto is "Developing Christian Servants."

  5. I would definitely not wait until your senior year. Most colleges like you to begin no later than your junior year. My dh is a professor at a Christian university,Harding University in Searcy, AR. The admissions people have special days/weekends during the year where juniors can come on campus, sit in on classes, meet with department heads to discuss majors, career choices, visit the dorms, take campus tours, etc. The admissions staff also want to start early to get your financial aid, scholarships going. By your senior year, it is often too late to be applying for certain scholarships.

    So I think you are very wise to be thinking ahead.

  6. A group of my ds's homeschool friends got together and read Julius Caesar and Hamlet together. It makes it much more interesting than just reading it solo. They were able to really get into the reading that way. One of the mom's had majored in English in college and would stop them along the way to interject some explanation or info.

  7. My husband and kids made me a scrapbook for my 40th birthday. They secretly went around town taking pictures of themselves in some of our favorite places. They put a lot of time and effort into it. I didn't know what they were up to. My husband kept stealing them to go off alone and I kept getting mad because they wouldn't include me in their plans. Little did I know what they were actually doing.

  8. Well this one homeschools and is raising 3 kids LOL. Actually my major was a math/computer science degree and until my 3rd child was born I was a software developer. Some math majors are accountants. That sounds like torture to me.



    Hey, watch it, I'm an accountant and we always get a bad rap:001_smile:

    Actually accounting is a wonderful career!

  9. My ds didn't like reading either at an early age. It was torture trying to get him to read anything for school. And getting him to pick up a book for pleasure was out of the question. Then all of a sudden around the age of 13 he began liking books. His genre is limited, but he loves books now. Hardly ever find him without one in his hands now. So don't give up. It will happen, just at his own timing.

  10. I love to wear dresses but prefer skirts. I'm not a fan of high heels though. So skirts that you can wear low heels with. It is just difficult sometimes finding youthful (not ready to admit that I'm aging) skirts that are decent sometimes.

    My dd, however, hates wearing dresses. It's like trying to pull teeth to get her to dress up. She would rather be in a t-shirt and jeans. This drives me crazy. She's really not into makeup much either and would rather wear her hair in a ponytail. Luckily she is dating a guy (she's in college now) whose mom and sis do not really dress up either. Any hints from the rest of you on how to "persuade" her to dress up more???

  11. If you have the chance, you might consider getting a salt pool rather than chlorine pool.

    We loved our pool when we had one. We currently don't have one and don't know how we will survive the hot humid summers here in AR. My kids were in the pool every day. Plus it was neat to be able to invite friends over to swim in the pool. That way I knew where my kids were. The only drawback in that is that I felt I needed to be a lifeguard to ensure than no one got hurt when other kids were over. Some of our neatest family memories was playing volleyball and other games with the family in the pool. Plus it is fantastic exercise for the kids (much better than video games).

    Regarding maintenance, it's not that bad. One helpful hint, is to use baking soda (you can buy the big bags at Sam's club). Once you have your chemicals right, the baking soda helps the chemicals do their job and keeps them in balance.

  12. I can't wait to see if you get any responses to this. I'm interested also. We just recently moved into a house with light colored tile floors and we have the same problem. I wish I had my wood floors back also. I'm constantly sweeping and mopping (which takes a lot of time). In between mopping, I just use a damp cloth or my finger nail to flick up pieces of stuck on crumbs. Also the grout between my tiles wasn't sealed, so it looks disgusting. I suppose there is a grout sealer that i could buy to seal the grout (just haven't had the time to do that yet either).

  13. No thanks on the rain. We live in AR and we've had daily rain for the past 2-3 weeks. The grass now has fungus, and it looks like we will loose large patches of it. However, the last two days have been rain free and sunny which has been such a blessing. I try not to complain too much because I know July and August are coming and with them will come heat waves and droughts :)

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