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Posts posted by AmyP

  1. We moved from GA to VA to be closer to my older kids who were living with their dad at the time. I think my DH found his job on monster, but he looked in the usual places- websites, newspapers. He traveled up and back for the interview and then we moved when he started the job.


    My older kids were over the moon about it because we were going to be closer and my younger two really didn't care because they were so young. Moving was the cost of a U-Haul because we didn't really have much at the time. Finding doctors was pretty easy, I just chose from the list of covered providers from our insurance and found one I still miss right away.


    At first it was trying because we spent two weeks in a small one room efficiency apartment. Once we were settled the hardest part was being lonely in a strange place. That never really went away. We are both pretty close to our large families and we ended up moving back in less than two years.

  2. I would. I flew solo internationally as a teen, even had a delay that caused me to have to stay at a hotel overnight and I look back on it as a good experience. My girls have flown alone since their early teens. There are lots of signs and I've found airline staff to be helpful. Now, I do worry about my 72 year old mom. I get a gate pass to help her.

  3. What dates? We'll be at Disney 9/2 - 9/7 (I think!) I'd love to meet up - even if it's just for coffee in the lobby. Have you heard about all the updates they're making to POR???? I can't wait!


    Yay! We'll be there from 9/2 - 9/10. I would love to meet up for coffee or something. We are all so excited!


    I have been reading about the updates and can't wait to see them in person. We didn't get a preferred room or a particular view (so far), so I don't really know what we'll get. Still...can't wait! :D


    Our next trip is this August/September. We're going to stay in Orlando in a condo for 9 nights and do Discovery Cove, Sea World, and Busch Gardens. Then, we'll move onto Disney property and stay for five nights at POR.


    We're going to be at POR at the end of August/first of September, too! Woohoo!


    I thought about going with the SC Homeschoolers, but it works out better for us to go in September. I hope to be there in December sometime!

  5. We just started in January, for us the pros have been



    • Free K12 curriculum
    • Not having to do a lot of planning/choosing of curriculum
    • Better field trips than I or our local homeschooling groups had arranged, and they have all been free
    • We stick to a plan now, instead of me changing my mind all the time (of course, this is my problem, others may not have it)
    • My kids are really learning a lot of things and they like it better than what we were doing before
    • They are allowed to move ahead in Math and Language Arts





    • We have to do state testing and there is a lot of studying and prep for the test
    • It is nearly impossible (for me, at this point) to combine subjects, so I spend more time on things I would have previously combined and taught at one time - basically more work for me in actual teaching. I feel pulled from one child to the other quite often, but it has only been six weeks and seems to be getting better.
    • I think it was harder to start in the middle of the year than it would have been at the beginning.
    • I don't like the live class sessions, they seem out of control, but they are optional for us, so we just don't attend. Sometimes we watch the recordings and skip through to what we need.



    Obviously, the cons aren't deal breakers for us and I really like having to be accountable with their progress in the school, it keeps me on track. We do light schooling in the summer, and I plan to continue that this summer with the things I really liked from our homeschool.


    My daughter loves it because she can move ahead and spend hours on history when she wants to, or do several science lessons, or whatever. My son had a harder time adjusting than my daughter, he has ADD and is unmedicated. After a few weeks, though, it got easier for him and he really gets a sense of accomplishment when he completes his assignments. He keeps telling me "I'm smart!" when he gets something. I am SOOO happy to hear him say it, because I knew he was smart, ;) but it can be a struggle for him sometimes.


    This is only for my two youngest, my DS 9 and DD 8. My oldest is in college and my 16 yo will be starting college classes at our local tech school in the summer.

  6. Also finished "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" by John Berendt. Didn't realize it was nonfiction until midway through. So was annoyed the narrator didn't introduce himself at all, described in great detail all these weird colorful characters. I kept wondering where's the plot. :lol: Note to self - read the back cover more carefully.


    I did the very same thing when I read that book - and had the same thought - how did I miss that?


    I'm starting Ahab's Wife today.

  7. I'm joining in again after fizzling out rather quickly last year. I kept reading, but I didn't keep up with what I read.


    I started this year with Water for Elephants because I had it on my Kindle. I REALLY loved it. My grandfather ran away to join the circus when he was a teenager, so I got to imagine him encountering some of these characters.


    My extremely short review is here.


    I'm looking forward to Ahab's Wife and I love getting ideas for books from you guys, so keep 'em coming!

  8. From MyCrazyHouse's THE Talk thread


    My ds10 said the other day, "Mom, I think one time I came to your door when you and dad were doing s*x." (Gotta love that phrase, doing s*x.) Of course I'm thinking, "what did he hear???"

    "Why do you think so?" (gulp)

    "Because I had a bad dream and the door was locked, and when I knocked you said, 'just pray to God and go back to bed!'"


    Yup, son, you're probably right. :blush:



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