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Posts posted by martinswife

  1. We just use the MEAD Primary Journal -stage 3 K-2nd grade. It is bound and has a space on top for the drawings and lines on the bottom where I write down their narrations. I have bought them at Target or Walmart for less than $2 and they contain 1oo sheets/200 pages.

  2. In order to help my son with blending I used the Abeka blend practice cards. The A set of cards has two letter blends. So I would pull out sa, se, si, so, and su. I would give him the blend with the short vowel sound and have him repeat it. Then I would add on more (ma, me, mi, mo, mu). Once he was saying the blends on his own, I would ask how do you think you spell mat. I would hold up the ma blend card and really sound out the ma-t. Now when he is reading I will occassionally stop him and ask, what the first two letters say. The B set of cards has three letters (eg cli). I am doing the same as I did with two letter blends with three letters now.



    :iagree: Although, I did use the entire A Beka Phonics Program with 2 dds.

  3. :confused: I'm going through the TWM and can't figure out how to do the science method. Maybe I'm tired of looking at the book already. I didn't do the 4 year cycle with dd9, but would like to start it in this next Logic rotation with her and also with dd6. All I got was that it was going to cost some money to get all the experiment equipment. I think my brain shut down after that. As it is, we have my nephew's wedding coming up in mid-August, our 6month vehicle premium due beg. of Sept. (honey and I are Horrid drivers, thus our premiums are sky high!), plus I have to buy my dd9s books for 5th grade, plus my SIL hit us for a much needed loan. I get how to do the history because we'll use the UILE as a spine. Is there a spine for 5th gr. Biology? The WTM explains the week division for Biology, but it doesn't for 5th gr. Is it the same? Aaaarrrggghhh!

  4. We haven't used CLE, but did use A Beka through 3rd grade for dd8. I love their lesson plan books because they explain the lesson so simply and thoroughly. Plus, the TE's are cheap to buy used. I did buy (used) some of the flashcards which are not necessary, but my dds really do enjoy them. Hope this helps!

  5. I found this book at my library and loved it because it lists the book by ages and gives a description of each book.


    Title1001 children's books you must read before you grow up / general editor, Julia Eccleshare ; preface by Quentin Blake.

    Hope this helps!

  6. My dd8 (now) did FLL1 in about 3 months during summer of finishing 2nd grade to going into 3rd grade. We switched to classical then, so she had catch up to do. We would do about 2 lesson everyday and she would do the dictation exercises and copywork on them along with any extra activities they gave. She really enjoyed it and didn't complain about having to do several lessons at once. :D

  7. :lol: I just looked out my front door to see where the moon was. I am ecstatic that is right over my front porch. Some fog in the area, but so far things look good for us! Only problem is trying to stay awake----for me that is. Girls are running around like using up their reserve batteries. Hope it and I last through the eclipse.

  8. We bought the EXPO washable markers recently. My daughter uses her whiteboard for writing out her spelling words. When she tried to wipe off, Lo and Behold, it wouldn't come off! We called EXPO and the rep told us to use regular hand sanitizer on it. It came off and left the board completely clean. Huh.---So, don't waste your money on the washables. Returned them to company for exchange.

  9. First of all, we homeschool year round, with 3 weeks of school and 1 week off. We Love It! She retains informations better this way, too. When I first get her books, I go through the lessons and decide how to divide evenly so she finishes all subjects on time. Right now, we do all subjects on MWF. On Tuesdays, we only do math, science, history, latin, vocab. spelling, bible and writing. On Thursday, we only do Latin, bible, science and spelling because she has piano lessons and we have to drive into town. This works like a dream for us.

  10. My dd8 is now doing SOTW4. I like to plan ahead, so as I would like to stick to the 4 year history rotation plan, what next? I would like to teach her geography, American history, and Texas history. Not all at once, mind you, but in between the 4 year rotation. Here is where you Pros come in:


    When should she do geography, American history, Texas history and how often? I am considering doing MOH next, but would like to do some of the above before starting the 4 year cycle again. Any suggestions on curriculums you like and use of not only the above, but of the 4yr cycle? :bigear:

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