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Posts posted by LynnS

  1. My son liked Vocabulary Virtuoso (we used it this year, for 5th). If you're not opposed to buying from Teachers Pay Teachers, try searching for "word work upper elementary" or "vocabulary activities upper elementary".  There should be a bunch of generic activities you can use with any vocabulary list. Writing and illustrating a short story with some or all of the vocabulary list can produce some pretty hilarious results. 

  2. Have you looked at Writing & Rhetoric and Well-Ordered Language, both from Classical Academic Press? My third grader is enjoying both, both are pretty much open and go, and I would consider them to be on the gentle side (but thorough and building up good base skills). My son finds the songs/chants in Well-Ordered Language to be a bit eye-rolly, so we skip those, but I don't think we're missing a lot by doing that. Just Write is another gentle writing curriculum to look at which is also very open and go. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, PeterPan said:

    Would you be able to get your insurance to cover ABA and a behaviorist? Even if you're like oh no, ABA is terrible, it can be an umbrella for billing that gets you into play therapy, RDI, other things. Our behaviorist is a MIRACLE for us, so essential. She helps us problem solve so many things. 

    So what he's doing there, wanting to be alone to calm down, is NORMAL. The behaviorist can help you quantify how long he needs, set up safe spaces, and then stretch him so he gets eventually to where he can sometimes calm down with a person in the room. But that's something you stretch to, not the starting point. So it sounds like a behaviorist could be really helpful to you. Ours has significant experience with homeschoolers and high IQ kids and comes to our home. You definitely want to choose carefully and look for a good fit.


     Oh, absolutely, his coping mechanisms are totally normal. We just have to train any adult supervisors to leave him alone so he can wind himself down on his own, or his emotional state will continue to ramp up. Everyone wants to cuddle an upset kid, and that is the opposite of helpful in his case. 

    We'll need to do some checking on insurance, but it sounds like one on one therapy would definitely be worth seeking out to help him learn more regulation skills, before going back to group therapy. 


  4. 13 hours ago, PeterPan said:

    How does he do in these settings? My ds would not fit well in those, especially a drop off situation, because he needs higher support. Disclaimer, those things apparently aren't important to me and he has other areas of strength that, when I talk with others with kids on the spectrum aren't so common, like he can fly, travel, etc. So we all pick areas we focus on. I've focused on recreation and living skills with ds and apparently don't think enough about peer interaction, hmm.

    He does ok, mostly, at drop-off classes. The biggest issue we've seen is frustration meltdowns, and he does not react well to being comforted in those situations, which is the default response from most adults (he just wants to be alone until he calms down).   

    13 hours ago, PeterPan said:

    I'm about to rant. You've been forewarned.

    That's the perpetual problem, sigh. You pull out for higher support and you lose peer models and positive herd effect. On the other hand, are you *sure* he doesn't do those things other places?

    These are all really good points. I haven't been informed specifically of those behaviors at other drop-off activities, but it may not have been seen as something that was worth letting me know about (ie, not an issue that needed correction by the parent or hurt another kid). You make an excellent point about whether the therapists have the group at a point where everyone is well-regulated enough to make the class productive.  This group is not specifically for ASD kids, and I'm not actually sure what diagnoses the other group members have, so the therapists may not be well-versed in techniques for working with all the different behaviors the kids exhibit. Which is kind of ridiculous, yes, given what everyone is paying. 

    13 hours ago, PeterPan said:

    But yeah, I'd figure out why it's so expensive there. It's NC, not CA. Is NC really expensive or a high cost of living area??


    Central NC is seeing a huge influx of people and is getting to be pretty expensive overall, from housing to everything else.  And if the market will bear it, I guess they'll charge it. 

    Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts! 

  5. TLDNR: if your child with an ASD diagnosis attended social skills classes, were they useful? 

    My son (8) was diagnosed with high functioning autism and ADHD (inattentive type) about a year and a half ago. Since then, we've enrolled him in various social skills classes to help him improve his sometimes awkward interactions with peers. These classes are really expensive, and not paid for by insurance. He's currently in a 1-hour weekday class that costs $100/session. ? The cost is a big financial burden, but we're willing to find the money if they are helpful for him. But we're not sure that they are.

    All the classes he's attended have been based on the Social Thinking curriculum. During the classes, the kids play cooperative games, write up trading cards about each other (after finding out what their peers like to eat, favorite colors, etc), practice how to have conversations, and do other activities. But it all seems so artificial, and having the classes for only an hour a week doesn't seem like enough time to build a rapport with the the other kids or really get to know them, particularly given how adult-directed the sessions are. He attends homeschool park days and 2+ hour drop-off classes that give him a lot more time to be social with other kids, for much longer stretches. We've also noticed that he will imitate behaviors shown by others in his classes that he does not otherwise display (ie, hiding under tables or jumping around during sessions if others are doing so).

    My husband and I want to be sure he has all the help he needs to help him build social skills going forward, but how do you tell if the classes are working? Our son tells us he doesn't feel they're that useful and that he doesn't find himself using the skills he's learned in the classes. For the $400/month we pay for the classes, we could enroll him in a couple great drop-off nature programs (he loves being outside), do interesting day camps, or pay for any number of other activities where he could interact with peers in supervised social settings.

    Does anyone have advice or thoughts? Thank you so much! 


  6. I've been collecting the Prentice Hall Science middle school Science Explorer series used from eBay, Amazon, local used bookstores, etc. I think they're fantastic (and secular). We started RSO Bio 2 with my very science-y kid who turned down RSO Life as too simple, and while I think Blair Lee is an amazing and cool person who has done great things for the secular homeschool community, I just don't like Bio 2. ? Heresy, I know. I don't like the labs, the order the topics are presented in, the dryness of the presentation, the fact that some things seem to be over-explained while others are given very little text, etc. I love protozoans (I could spend hours looking at pond water in our microscope), and my kid wants a stuffed amoeba and paramecium for Christmas, but there's basically no study of these critters in Bio 2, which is baffling to me. I mean, bust out the Proto-Slo and pond scum and find some cool stuff! The Science Explorer Books are well-written, have great photos/illustrations and interesting labs, and they're written to specific topics like Ecology, Animals, Cells and Heredity, Sound and Light, Astronomy, etc, so you can pick and choose as you go. 

  7. After trying a few (cough) writing programs over the past few years, we've started Writing & Rhetoric: Fable with my son this year. The first week has gone swimmingly, and so far it seems like a great fit. Since there are only 14 lessons in each book, even 2 levels will not cover a year's worth of school. What do others use along with W&R?

    We're currently using MCT's Island level for grammar (finished Grammar Island and working through Practice Island, MotH, etc). We had previously been using Just Write, which my son didn't hate; it's fun, but a little on the light side. I could intersperse the Grade 3 (Book 2) Just Write between W&R chapters, maybe, although that level seems to focus a lot on grammar, which we've already got covered. Does anyone have any other suggestions?  

  8. We did AAR longer than "needed" with my son because he just really enjoyed the activities and stories. He was a natural whole-word reader, but then was getting tripped up with longer words in more complex texts, because he didn't have any phonics rules for breaking them down. We sped through AAR1 very quickly just to get familiar with the program, skipped AAR2 based on the placement test, and did all of 3 and part of 4 before he got tired of it. By then, he was very fluent with a combo of whole-word and phonics-based reading. AAR4 does have some good vocabulary, word origin, suffixes, etc lessons that might be worth picking and choosing through. I'm really glad we used it as long as we did.  

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  9. My dad had a fainting spell with a recent back injury. It was diagnosed as a vagal response from the pain rather than a neurological issue. As a side note, his injury was misdiagnosed as a muscle strain by the incompetents at the ER (who never even examined him), but after he insisted on testing, it turned out to be a bone chip pressing into his spine which required urgent surgery. He was in agony for a week, but woke up after the surgery almost pain free. Have you had any kind of scan to confirm that it’s just a strain? I’m so sorry, back injuries are so extremely painful and crippling.



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  10. I try to join Facebook groups specific to various curricula I use (Right Start, Brave Writer, etc) and there seem to be Facebook groups for pretty much every product out there. The Big Juicy Conversations About Math Facebook group has some great living math ideas, particularly games and puzzles.


    SEA Homeschoolers on Facebook is a good general resource, but I'm often puzzled by the hostility towards Academics by some of the members, given the name. :confused1:   

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  11. How did the discussion go with this mom beforehand? Did you invite her and her child over to your house, mentioning something about her stating or not? Were you clear in any way about what YOU expected and how the play date would unfold? Was this person forthcoming ahead of time with the information that you would be transporting her child in your vehicle? As soon as I saw a car seat, I'd have said that I was not transporting her child anywhere. That is her responsibility. If she wanted to drop of her child, I might do it and see how it went, but I'd never agree to transport her child. 


    You need to be really clear in your discussions about the situation. Ask questions. Make things very clear. You don't have to get into any situation you aren't happy with, but you can't just complain about it afterwards if you were very vague and "easy going" during the organization. 


    I do understand your confusion/frustration, though. I've never come across a person who defined "play date" as "you drive my child from pre-school to your house, feed them, watch them and wait for me to come pick them up." That is babysitting. You could charge her for it, I guess? ;)


    The discussion beforehand was her asking, "Can [child1] and [child2] have a play date after [event]?" I did not explicitly or implicitly invite them over.  


    I had another mom acquaintance do this same thing to me years ago when my son was a toddler (ie, frame "play date" as "Oh by the way, I'm going to drop off my kid with you"), so I'm starting to be paranoid that I have "SUCKER" tattooed on my forehead in invisible ink that only other moms can see. ;-) 

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  12. If it's the first time the kids have played together outside the activity or school, I agree that the person suggesting it should be essentially inviting your kid over to play.  I always tell DD that she can invite someone over to her house (or to some other location) but she cannot invite herself over to their house until they've exchanged playdates a few times.  After three or four swaps, though, I don't mind if a friend or friend's mom invites friend over to my house - at that point you sort of know how to deal with the kid and the friend and your kid probably have worked out whose house they want to hang out at, which is fine with me either way.


    Yes, this sounds totally reasonable. We haven't reached that level of familiarity with these folks, which is why I'm kind of head-scratching. I'm always kind of surprised that people are so willing to just drop off their children with acquaintances. I'm not an axe murderer, but this person has never been to my house and doesn't know me that well. 

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  13. When another parent contacts you and suggests a play date, what does this generally mean to you? If I suggest a play date to another mom, I feel the onus is on me to host it, most likely at my house, or otherwise to suggest a suitable mutually agreeable spot (park, museum, etc). If at my house, I'm responsible for supplying a snack or lunch depending on timing. Whether or not the parent wants to hang out or not is up to them, and I'm fine either way.  


    When other moms suggest a play date to me, it almost always seems to involve them dropping their child off with me and heading off. For example, another mom contacted me about having a play date after a morning drop-off activity both of our children attend, which ends at noon; she'd drop off the child's car seat at the activity and pick the child up from me in the afternoon. So at this point I'm installing a car seat, feeding her child lunch, and taking the child somewhere (home, park), for a play date SHE suggested. I'm just taken aback by this. I would never suggest a play date to someone that would include transporting and feeding my kid, it seems very presumptuous. 


    Many of the parents in my homeschooling circles have more than one child, and mine is an only. I understand that managing littles while trying to get separate social fun time for the slightly olders is challenging, but I'm beginning to feel taken advantage of. 




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  14. PS. Go sign that kid up for gymnastics! Swimming would be good too, but it's gonna BLOW YOUR MIND how good gymnastics will feel to him. My ds does team gymnastics and swim team. I try to make sure he's in one or the other every day. Go for the gymnastics and get him in all you can. :)


    Thanks! I think we really need a kick in the butt about this, because the behaviors individually never seem like quiiiiite enough to get an eval. He does love to swim, but that's harder to arrange in the winter; gymnastics sounds like an excellent idea! We have at least one gymnastics facility that does homeschool gym during the day. 

  15. My son (7) has always had some vague sensory issues. His preschool teachers noted this when he was 3, but weren't able to give sufficient specifics about his behavior that we could act on, just a told us they had a "general feeling" that he might have sensory things going on and gave us some handouts about SPD. He never met more than a few of the descriptions here and there on the various SPD checklists, and still does not. 


    Other adults at camps and programs he's attended have noted various quirks, but nothing has ever been serious or definite enough to warrant an OT eval, and our pediatrician does not think he needs OT, based on our descriptions and his observations. Today at a drop-off activity, one of the teachers told us that my son was standing in front of the playground swings, asking the other kids to kick him. He will often seek out big physical inputs like this; he frequently begs to be tickled, he likes to wrestle (and be on the losing end), he asks friends to "smoosh" him, he'll do things like fling himself to the ground, into sturdy objects, etc. If he's doing something that we or other adults are afraid will cause him injury, he will stop the behavior. 


    I'm hoping to find some activities that will help him satisfy these sensory needs in a safe way. Does anyone who has experience with this kind of sensory-seeking behavior have any suggestions for how we can help him? I'm still wondering if an OT eval would be helpful or not.

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