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Posts posted by Lelhani

  1. Let me see if I can explain this. I feel like I'd like to have a larger emphasis on reading in our homeschool day. We tend to move from one content subject to the next and then finish up for the day. I'd like my kids to read more across all subjects-history,science,literature. Is there something that provides this so that I'm not having to pull it all together. I'd like to read aloud more with my kids too, but I'm really thinking and looking for books they can read on their own. And yes, Christian content is great. Thanks in advance.

    I'm not sure if it was recommended, but Moving Beyond the Page is literature based across all topics. It excludes math. I'm using in for 10-12yrs and the full curriculum west around $850. It's working well, but I find that I need to supplement the grammar and sentence structure parts. Not because it isn't covered,but because I'm not great at explaining it!

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