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Maxine in WA

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Posts posted by Maxine in WA

  1. Please, please, please whatever you do, do not forget that the lands were, in fact, inhabited when columbus found the "new" world. It was not really new after all.

    In your research try and find a story from the Natives (Indians) perspective. Columbus was very much after gold that he had promised to the queen Isabella of Spain who has funded his exploration. He was so desperate for it that he enslaved and sometimes tortured the locals. When he made intial contact with the "indians" he noticed that they had gold hoops in their ears. This prompted him to go back to Spain and tell his funders that there was much more gold to be had. However, there wasn't much gold at all and he became a very desperate man that commited huge humans rights offenses.


    He never even knew he found the "New" world, in fact, he died thinking he had found India, hence the term "Indians". He was an amazing explorer and his expedition was certainly nothing to scoff at, however ther is a whole other history we all must remember.


    I live in Montana and am surrounded by about a dozen first nations people. Colombus day here is a protest; as, in my opinion, it should be.


    Please, just look a bit further. I found a good book at our public library last year in the kids section that gave a fairly accurate history of what really happened. There were "note takers" and such on his expedition.


    thanks for reading.



    I've heard the above before and I agree with you that we need to tell the complete story about Columbus. In some of the books I've read, they stated that Columbus made about 3 voyages to the "New World" and after one of those times, he was arrested and taken back to Spain in chains. (As a side note: My grandmother is descended from the captain of the ship that took Columbus back in chains.) None of my books said why he was arrested. Do you know why? Was it because of the torture he inflicted on the Natives?

  2. Seeing an old boyfriend. :D


    Seriously, she'd been trying all the suggestions listed below, except castor oil...she couldn't find any in the stores...all sold out for some reason...and nothing worked. Then an old boyfriend called her out of the blue.


    They met on Monday to talk about old times. Tuesday morning at 4:15, her water broke...on said ex-boyfriend's birthday! It was quite ironic.


    Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out as a weird suggestion. Good luck and hope all goes as planned.

  3. I really appreciate everyone's well wishes, good thoughts, and prayers. I am sure this is what he needs to stay healthy. He is a very strong little boy. During the entire 32 hours of labor, his heart remained strong and never showed any distress. He is already holding his head up and pushes away with his feet like he wants to stand on his own.


    Bless you all!


  4. Welcome Baby Cayden!! Sounds like a nice healthy boy:).


    Dd15 had whooping cough (documented by the health dept.) when ds12 was born. He did not catch it, thankfully. I'll be praying for Cayden.


    My dd is nearly 15 (later this month) and is also documented by the health dept. What precautions did you take to avoid your son getting whooping cough. Our entire family was put on antibiotics even though the rest of us don't have symptoms. I'm just worried that one of us could have caught it before the antibiotic treatment began, but we just haven't presented symptoms yet. Since our antibiotic treatments are not complete, doesn't that mean we could potentially pass it on? I do wear a mask when I visit the baby, but my oldest daughter (the mommy of the baby) doesn't. Thank you for your prayers.

  5. Hi, just wanted to post a quick note that baby Cayden James has finally made his grand entrance (after 32 hrs of labor). He was born Aug. 6th via C-section because his head just couldn't get past her pubic bone and her uterus stopped contractions because it was tired. Anyway...


    He weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. and length is 21 and 3/4 inches long. Both Mom and Baby are doing fine (although he had a tummy ache all night last night). For those of you who pray, could you all say a prayer for Cayden. My other daughter was diagnosed with Whooping Cough last week and it could be very dangerous for the baby. So far, the rest of us are not showing symptoms. Thanks everyone!

  6. Maybe we can set up a chat room for that day or something so it will feel like we're all there with you. Unfortunately, since my grandson is taking his sweet time coming out of his momma's tummy, I won't be able to make it, but would sure love to help you celebrate the "big one". We are all with you in spirit.:D

  7. You give so much to all the wonderful people on this forum. I know it's hard to ask for help, especially if you're the type of person who gives and gives, but sometimes even the givers need receiving; it's your turn to receive.


    I don't post very often, but when I did asking for prayers for my dd's pregnancy, you were the very first to offer support. I'll never forget that. Thank you and bless you.


    I just wanted to say that I know what you're going through. I went through something similar a couple of years ago. It took nearly a year to get over it. Yea for you for searching for the help you need. Remember, we are all here for you. We think you're a beautiful person. Take care and here's even more hugs since we can never have too many. :grouphug:

  8. Maybe that will make him come out. My dd's original due date was July 5th, but the doctor changed it to Aug. 10th. My dd looks like she is ready to pop any day, but he just won't come out. Like you, my dd is ready to see baby's face.


    Your dd sounds like she'll make a great big sister. Very sweet!

  9. 1. The "books" thread and


    2. There was a wonderful post from Cathi in Hawaii who moved somewhere on the mainland (can't remember where) in which she talked about her kids getting older and how proud she was of them. Very touching. I wished I could remember the specifics. Actually, since I was so touched by it, I may have saved the message somewhere. I'll look for it and try to link it.

  10. I have actually encountered spiders in upstate NY that didn't die when covered with Lysol Basin Tub and Tile and Tilex Mildew Remover. I had to splat the suckers. Huge and hairy and black. Wolf spiders are pretty bad too. Especially when you're digging in the garden and uncover one. Shivers.


    Oven spray cleaner. I've had spiders that survive all types of cleansers including the kind you mentioned (did you know spiders can hold their breath?) but I've yet to meet one that can survive oven cleaner. It's nasty stuff. Use with caution.

  11. bump--dh is here & ready to talk about it--this is one of his biggest concerns (the IGs)


    & $$, lol


    & the age-appropriateness of the books--he thinks that to earn a Newbery, a book has to be a tear-jerker, & ds7 is pretty sensitive.


    Fwiw, we've got a 5yo K'er & a 7/8yo 3rd g'er & we're looking at either Core K or Core 1 to use in conjunction w/ SOTW 3.


    I've used SL1, 2, 3+4, 5, and 200. My oldest also ready most of 300 and 400 level books on her own. I have always loved Sonlight and it worked wonderfully for my oldest who is a strong reader. My youngest didn't like it as much because the amount of reading required was too overwhelming to her. She prefers Tapestry of Grace.


    As far as tear-jerker books; yes, for a sensitive child some may be kinda sad and/or touching. My sensitive younger dd had a tough time with a couple of them. I pre-read all the books and only shared with her the ones I felt she could handle at the time. As she grew older, she read some of the ones we skipped and she handled them just fine. My oldest dd did not have any problems with any of the books (except Flames of Rome did bother her...this was in SL200).


    I would suggest taking the Sonlight catalog to the library and try to find some of the books so you could preread them. I did that and that's what sold me on Sonlight at the time. I still love Sonlight and so does my oldest dd.


    By the way, I plan to use Sonlight with my grandson. Even though he's not born yet, I am contemplating getting SL P3/4 for him. My dd laughs at me saying, "Mom, he's not even born yet. I think we have time." :001_smile:

  12. He hasn't even really dropped down yet, according to the dr. It's funny, because he is sitting so low, he looks like he's ready to just fall out of her. Oh well. We wait...and wait...and wait.


    My dd laughs at her little boy. She thinks we confused him because we keep telling him to push down. Well, his head is "down", so dd thinks that to him, pushing down means pushing with his feet (which he does a lot!) and then he gets them stuck under her ribs. We're having a lot of fun with him even though he's not born yet. I tell my dd to just try to enjoy this time with him because she'll never get it back and it will, honestly, go quickly.


    Thanks for asking. I hope he gives his mommy lots of free kisses to build up his account, because based on his personality so far, he is going to need it, lol.


    Mamagistra recently talked of "bad things" coming in threes. I'm going to assume I've rolled with the first two and that this is the last.






    But, if you subscribe to the "bad things come in threes" theory, there is an opposite which says that "good things come in threes". So, once you get past this bad period, you will have great things coming! Here's another :grouphug: to help you through this time.

  14. My dd has had 2 false alarms that sent her to the hospital, but still no baby. The doctors are still convinced that the due date is Aug. 10, even though my dd has said that there is NO way. The dr. is basing the new due date strictly on the ultrasound which in their words, "...has never been wrong for us."


    So, here we wait. We just got home from the hospital again. Just wanted to give a quick update. Thanks all for thinking of us.

    --Maxine in WA who is still trying to plan out my TOG year 3, but keep getting distracted by life's happenings :tongue_smilie:

  15. was pregnant! My dd's Biology teacher gave each kid a crayfish to study. Turns out the one my dd received was pregnant and no one knew. So now we have about 100 baby crayfish. Anyone want a crayfish, lol? :)


    Seriously, I don't know what we'll do with all of them, IF they survive. We got a 10 gallon tank aquarium and put rocks on the bottom. They like to hang out under the rocks, so we're not sure how many of them are still alive. Momma's not looking too good. I read on the internet that we shouldn't release them into the wild (diseases) so we'll have to see what happens when and if they get bigger. I wonder if a pet store will take them?

  16. I know I don't post in "general" much, but wanted to share the news of our new arrival. Our precious baby girl, Leah Grace, was born July 4. Lack of sleep and newborn fun have replaced curriculum obsession for awhile (although WWE arrived the 5th and I have skimmed it - but have yet to choose between level 4 or CWAesop A).


    She is beautiful and I could just hold her all day!


    I hope I'll be posting my own announcement soon. Grandbaby is still not here. Enjoy your new little angel.

  17. I have a lot of friends who are younger than I and in the early stages of parenting. Several of them are approaching the schooling years with great anticipation. Their oldest child in some cases is only 3 or so, but they're looking into schools, reading up on homeschooling, buying resources, and so on. It's all very foreign to me because I didn't put nearly that amount of mental energy into what ~ to me ~ seems pretty simple. I'm getting an increasing number of questions put to me as to how to go about teaching "X", which program to use for "Y", etcetera. In my heart of hearts what I really want to say is just, "Stop rushing it, stop overthinking it, don't complicate the simplicity of life as a 3 or 4 year old child." But that kind of response goes in one ear and out the other. They don't want to hear it. Their child is so into learning and they really aren't pushing they just think some structure will be nice and so on and so forth.


    So, okay. If you had ~ or have ~ moms of littles coming to you seeking this kind of advice, what do you say? Do you have certain resources you recommend? If your approach is more akin to mine, do you just encourage them to keep it simple? Or...?


    When I've been in this position, I just relate my experiences with my kids. I may say something like, "The one thing I regret most is not relaxing more." or "The one thing I've learned is to try to relax and enjoy it more...maybe spend more time just reading good books and playing educational games." I sometimes offer to let them see my curriculum, especially if they are newbies, and may give them a catalog or two (like Sonlight's). Then I just let it go at that until they are ready to ask more specific questions.

  18. I agree with you.


    I swear, I am not sure what it takes to get in to med school, but many of the ob/gyns I have dealt with are pretty dumb. One kept insisting I conceived on the date of my first prenatal visit because he claimed the sonogram measured that way. I reminded him that the conception date he is insisting on is the same date as my first visit with him where they confirmed the pregnancy with blood work and all. His answer was that tests these days are very sensitive. Yeah, right.


    I don't know why some won't listen to the woman. My dd told dr. that she was never, ever late with her peri*d. He replied that she skipped her monthly in Oct. was because some women skip. She just said she has never skipped and his answer is that some women do?!


    Oh, and I forgot that she initially went to Planned Parenthood at the beginning of Nov for a pregnancy test and it came back positive. Dr's response was that some tests aren't accurate. Oh well. Baby comes when baby comes. At least we are prepared if he comes early. Thanks for caring. Will keep you posted.

  19. I was hoping to here from you that a new baby was in her arms. :confused:


    I will keep thinking of you all. It does seem weird that all the facts seem to be pointing to earlier and Dr is holding onto later. Maybe she will prove Dr. wrong maybe not. In either case, I hope all goes well. Baby will come when baby wants to come.




    I'm not sure why the dr is so adamant about the Aug. due date. Oh well. We are prepared for an early delivery, just in case. My dd is so big and baby is sitting very low now, so is making her quite uncomfortable. Maybe, just maybe, baby will come soon. ;)


    Thanks for you concern. Will keep you posted.

  20. She went to the doctor yesterday. He said her pains were definitely Braxton Hicks because he is still insistent that she is due in August.


    My dd's not convinced, though. Her last peri*d was in September. She was sick every morning in October. She started showing a little in the beginning of November, but doctor thinks she conceived at the end of November. Yes, he knows about all this other stuff, but based on the size of her uterus, he feels she is due in August.


    Dr said baby is about 6 pounds now and his head is down and "locked in place". With all these signs I don't see how he could possibly be so sure that baby will be born in August. Couldn't it just be that she doesn't have as much water as the average woman? Six pounds is kinda small, but we're a small family and have small babies (6-7 lbs. average). Dr said she will be gaining about 1/2 lb. a week from here on. That would mean she will be having a 9 or 10 lb baby! Yikes!


    Oh, well. Baby will come when he comes. Just wanted to let you all know that my dd is fine and the pains have eased up. Everything else looks good. Blood pressure was a little elevated and with her constant thirst and swelling, they kept monitoring it throughout the appt. By the time she left, it was back to normal.


    Thanks for all the kind thoughts. Will keep you posted. :001_smile:

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